aVybez LLC. is a company born of nostalgia. I grew up in the Caribbean and fondly remember beach days. Blue skies, soft white sand, the smell of the ocean, the fun, laughter, and the contagious, easy-going energy.  My carefree days at the beach were the happiest and most memorable times. I recall the women in their swimwear, young and old, all different shapes and sizes, exuding confidence and happiness. As the years go by, I often smile thinking about those simple times - the radiance of the sun, the laughter, and the smell of the ocean…good times!

We offer a comprehensive range of swimwear for women of all shapes and sizes to be proud and confident to show their curves. It’s for moms at the pool with their little ones or the girl headed to a getaway with her lover; for lounging by the pool, on a yacht, or at a beach party… for any good time because - It’s a Vibe! You bring the Vibe!